Welcome to Volt

Where partnerships power excellence!

Who We Are

We are a highly experienced, skilled and passionate multi-state, Trans-Tasman team. The Directors have evolved their branding and business model emanating from their years of business ownership within the global Transworld Business Advisors network. Volt has been created to be more high-touch and more relevant to the Australian and New Zealand marketplaces and our global networks and contacts remain. 

We are dedicated to you, our client! Importantly we have Partners, Affiliates and Associates working with the Volt Team providing the best service, so you get the right result. We understand many of our businesses don’t want to be advertised on standard ‘businesses for sale’ websites or our website as they require confidentiality, or the businesses are a Mergers & Acquisition size. 

Our 7 Proven Professional Services

What clients say

Our Markets

Why Volt?

Our Directors and Volt team have all owned, managed, invested-in and sold many different businesses. This allows us to approach the business sales process from all angles, sides, experiences and perspectives, especially understanding the Vendor’s perspective. We guarantee:

A focussed and detailed interaction always ensuring we clearly understand you and your business and most critically who could and should buy your business.

The Directors & Partners of Volt have successful track records over many years proven by 100’s of business sales in Australia and through a developed international buyer’s network.

Volt provide marketing strategists from multiple industries and a design team that ensures your business will appear amazing in the eyes of potential buyers, supported by an active marketing campaign.

We have a professional sales and marketing approach and importantly we are strategic. With experienced senior corporate and business backgrounds we have connections that count.

We have built quality local, national and international connections and relationships as well as active detailed databanks.

We protect your confidentiality ensuring the sale process causes minimum disruption to your business.

Volt has professional, innovative processes, systems, and business techniques to assist you in  achieving mutually desired outcomes.

We operate face to face with specialised and personalised one-to-one support.

Volt has multiple checklists and systems to aid a professional Due Diligence and smooth contract execution.

We drive results using our unique strategic matching process. Vital to this success, is listing the right business.

We will work tirelessly to deeply understand and onboard your business no matter what type or size. 

Our proven matchmaking strategy amplifies your chance for success and helps us build the right curated buyer target list to approach.

Recent Business Sales

Many of our recent sales and sale prices cannot be displayed due to confidentiality.
Call our team on 1300 595 930 or email info@voltbusinesssales.com.au for further information.

Crows Nest
Crows Nest
Glebe 43-45 Glebe Point Road
Glebe 43-45 Glebe Point Road

If you would like an initial confidential chat, call 1300 595 930 and we will connect you with one of our directors or you can email info@voltbusinesssales.com.au and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

"Unlock Success with Our Expert Team: Your Goals, Our Passion!"